Education Department

Technology and Knowledge applied, creating Information that leads your process to Improvement.

Item Bank Reviewer >

ItemsOnWeb is a web-enabled solution that provides access for Authors, Reviewers, Directors, Teachers and Administrators to develop and manage all the activities of a standard item composition and revision, as a basis for custom item bank development. ItemsOnWeb is designed to optimize and organize the item development process in any organization, requiring minimal infrastructure and time for implementation.

Electronic Marking >

Score objective (multiple choice) and subjective (open response) items using a web based system, no matter where you live or work. ScoreOnweb is designed to fulfill every Body of Evaluation needs (including Ministries of Education, large evaluation institutions and Universities) in large scale scoring operations. ScoreOnweb is totally configurable and adaptable to your process.

Design Papers >

DesignOn is the perfect solution that empowers universities and institutes with the capability of handling a low/middle volume e-marking process in a precise, consistent, cost-effective and secure manner. It allows printing custom answer booklets, process with a middle size scanner and marking electronically using DesignOn solution.

Take Exams >

Discover how reliable and effective can tests delivery become by using our powerful tool to administrate exams over remote centers while getting inmediate results in a very secure channel with TestOnweb.

Classroom software >

TeachOn is a proven PC-based software suite that allows individual teachers, professors, and instructors to manage their own classroom environment. It is modular in design and allows educators to easily generate and score tests, track classroom attendance, create reports, and conduct surveys.

School Census >

Web application that allows each school in a certain district, region, province to register its enrollment, along with additional information about it to have updated data on each educational establishment, optimize resources and project policies and programs conditioned to the reality of each one. Generate the reports and stats required by the institution, in a simple way, sending notifications and reminders to have the information loaded in a timely manner.

EnrollOnWeb >

Simplify and optimize your candidates enrollment process, either for attending a school or for a scholarship request. Adapt the workflow to your needs and get all the needed information to follow up and control the stage of each transaction taking advantage of the embedded intelligence.

School @ Home >

Establish a channel of communication with students and families once they have left the institution. It allows teachers to send and receive homework to/from their students, publish and share additional and complementary material for the classes as well as record the attendance detail and events. The tool provides access to families in order to get feedback from their kids regarding attendance records, special notifications and marks of homework and special class works.

Holidays @ School >

Support the daily routine of schools during the holiday timeframe and allow them to register whether the student assisted for a particular day, register the number of meals received, consumed. Holidays @ School generates daily statistical reports that are sent to the central school to track and keep control over the operation of individual schools.

Teachers Portal >

Empower your institution resources with a web portal where you will be able to create all the needed areas and categories and share required information with all the teachers to keep them informed and updated. The Teachers portal establishes a communication channel and allows the institution to provide training material, events information and news about pedagogical matters.